Yemi Orogbemi​
Seventeen years of finance experience: senior accountant, financial planner, financial analyst, finance manager, sales controller, Python expert, and data scientist.
I'm committed to delivering measurable and sustainable results to help boost my client's reputation and bottom line. In addition, I use automation to help save money and time by freeing up valuable human resources to work on other critical non-reporting-related priorities to keep the organization running seamlessly. ​
I helped Macy's, Coach, Christie's, and two international art galleries save money and improve financial performances.

What we do​
Financial planning
We facilitate your annual planning process and develop budgets of expected results. We then help hold your team accountable to execute the planned actions throughout the year.
We help you looks towards the future by using past data to forecast potential future performance and advise on how the company can improve financially.
We automate reports that can be delivered to your team in seconds. Real-time reporting will hep you make the right decisions based on your business’ financial health.
We examine your financial statements and compare them to previous years and your competitors in order to determine how well your business is performing.

How we do it
We have digital assistants that

Why artificial intelligence?​
Like a 2-year-old in a toy store, money tends to scatter around when you take your attention off it. Money is not a static thing; it is an energy that requires constant motion and strong control.
Ai for finance is like purchasing one of those GPS devices for kids. It wouldn’t stop a 2-year-old from wandering off, but it would notify the caretaker when they’re doing so. Furthermore, the solution would allow the caretaker to work on other priorities knowing the GPS will send an alert when attention is needed.
With its many repetitive and standardized tasks, financial analysis is ideally suited for Ai. The platform interacts with systems and applications involved in the process and mimics manual financial analysis 24/7. An alert will be sent if a potential cost overrun or risk is detected.​

Past report automations and time saved
Purchase Order Report
Manual: 20hrs
TV and Radio Advertising Reports
Manual: 5 days
Marketing Financial Report
Manual: 3 days
Construction Costs Reports
Manual: 5 days
Procurement Tracking Reports
Manual: 4 days
Procurement Pick Ticket
Manual: 3 days
P&L and Balance Sheet
Manual: 2 days
Cash Flow Report and Forecast
Manual: 3 days
Sales Flash
Manual: 14hrs
Open position Report
Manual: 24hrs
Quarterly GP Report
Manual: 15hrs
Quarterly Commission Report
Manual: 3 weeks